Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's real.. I am going!

Booked my ticket yesterday and I am leaving from Detroit at 7:05 am... Kind of freaky to think that I actually have a flight! After booking my flight I decided to try and tackle this mess of a house, given the fact all of my things are everywhere bc I brought it all back after Sunday's graduation (which went amazing!!).... Well I dont know where it is all going to go bc I do see all of my things as importantand dont want to throw it away but hey maybe I am just a hoarder lol... Today I applied for my visa and new gov't passport bc my mom came and found my passport that I lost earlier lol I looked for it for days and she came in and found it in about 7mins, man moms are good at finding things!! But man let the paperwork continue.. I then filled out my life insurance policy for $25,000, which costs me about $2.50 a month, which I feel is a good lump some but my mom said that it will just cover the costs to bring the body back TALK ABOUT A FUN CONVERSATION! I then had to fill out my loan deferment things which led me to call the bank give or take 100 times just to find out it is already taken care of! I thought after I got fully accepted, the peace corps run around of paper work would end but man was I wrong! ... I still need to fill a few more documents out and send it but I am over it for now! ....

My going away party is coming up so that is exciting, besides that I am just trying to figure out what I want to do b4 I go, so far it is sit and watch tv until I get a call to hang out lol .... I am so excited to go but man this is kinda scary for example:
1) there will be A LOT of bugs, not little ones like ants and rolly pollies but big ones, ones that can burrow in your skin and lay eggs... now I dont know how legit that claim is but hey I watched mystery diagnosis too many times to rule it out!
2) I know little, like very little, Swahili which will make it pretty lonely until I can understand people BUT that also poses a new challenge which I am excited about..... I mean how awesome is it going to be when I know a new language!!
3) Simple fear of the unknown, I have no idea what I will really need when I get there, I dont know if I will have power or not, I am bringing a laptop but will I be able to charge it in the wall or do I need to bring a solar charger? Do I need to bring a tent and sleeping bag? I want to go exploring when I am there but is that really an option? What clothes do I really need? How about shoes? How often and how will I communicate with home? Should I bring my cell phone? ... there are about a million more questions along those lines but I wont bore you! haha
4) What if something big happens! I am not naive enough to think that life wont go on but what about the big things like marriage and babies, I already know a few births I will miss and also marriages but people just try to hold on lol.. I dont want to miss so much but I know I am simply living my dream! I am not going to put my dreams on hold and I am going to go BUT if you all could refrain from making huge life decisions without me that would be nice!

All in all these questions will be anwsered soon enough! I need to not worry and give my worries to God and do what I can to research! ... I am super exctied and hope all goes well! ... let the count down continue 27 more days!

Amy :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Blog

After a year of stalking peace corps blogs I have finally decided it was time to make my own. I am leaving June 14th 2010 to be a "Health Education Extension" worker in Tanzania for the peace corps and I couldn't be more excited. I wrote a lot of journals when I was in Kenya last summer and I all in all it was a great way to show people what I was up to.

I am so excited for this new chapter in my life but man it is going to be a serious transition! I have done a lot of traveling over the years but never longer than a month away from the good ole US of A but I am ready for the challenge. I am a bit worried to be leaving given the fact I have found a great community of friends over my years at Lewis University and not to mention leaving my family but hey we all need to grow up some time.

I hope to develop great relationships over there and in order for me to do that I must be open to their culture and be willing to change and I really do think I am ready for that.... with graduation around the corner I am ready for change and the peace corps is going to supply that I am sure lol ...

28 days left and I am shipping slash flying out!!!